Light The District


Years ago, during the holiday season, Washington Park was aglow with lights strung from the trees and along the gazebo making The District a holiday destination for visitors. That hasn’t been the case in the past few years, but The District Board is trying to bring back the festive cheer.

The City of Quincy decorates every other light pole with garland and lights down Maine Street and several months ago a committee was formed to explore additional possibilities. We surveyed our members and business owners to gain more insight on what our community would like to see this season and the nostalgia of years past is top of the list.

Our first priority is to bring back a picturesque holiday atmosphere in the park, followed by adding decorations to the bare light poles along Maine. The list continues and depending on the generosity of the community, much more could be in store. Awerkamp Machine Company has already agreed to build a stunning centerpiece for the park, but are still in need of funds. We have an estimate of $15,000 to complete the decoration project.

We are reaching out to you today for support of this project. It always amazes us how Quincyians come together when asked to improve our city. Any donation would be greatly appreciated by The District Board and our community as a whole.  All donations are tax deductible.As always, thank you for your continued support. If there is anything that we can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Bruce Guthrie